Covering Highways, Connecting Communities
Lid I-5 North Seattle is a community-driven initiative to reconnect the neighborhoods of the U District, Wallingford, and Roosevelt through a highway lid over Interstate 5 between NE 45th and NE 50th Streets. Once realized, a highway lid will transform these disconnected neighborhoods into vibrant, cohesive communities while addressing the systemic issues created by the regional highway network.
What’s a highway lid?
A lid (or a cover) is a type of structure built over a roadway, not dissimilar to a bridge. There are existing lids over freeways in and around Seattle (e.g. 520 in Montlake and Bellevue, Freeway Park in downtown Seattle) and other highways around the region and country. A lid can be used to reconnect communities, create economic opportunities for businesses, and make new “land” available for new uses, like housing and parks.
Project update: $1.5Million Grant awarded to The U District Partnership for Lid 1-5 North Feasibility Study!
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