Who we are
Lid I-5 North Seattle is a community-driven initiative to reconnect the neighborhoods of the U District, Wallingford, and Roosevelt through a highway lid over Interstate 5 between NE 45th and NE 50th Streets. Once realized, a highway lid will transform these disconnected neighborhoods into vibrant, cohesive communities while addressing the systemic issues created by the regional highway network.
What Are the Benefits?
Reduce pollution and noise in our communities
Traffic-related air pollution is significantly higher within 500 feet of highways. A lid over 1-5 could act as a noise and pollution barrier around the lid area.
Increase available land for affordable housing
A significant amount of State-owned land borders I-5. That unused land could provide opportunities to build mixed-use and affordable housing in the heart of our community.
Increase access to green open space
North Seattle communities have a lack of open space compared to other areas of the city. A lid over I-5 would create several acres of new open space between Wallingford and the U District, addressing a long-identified issue for the area.
Establish safe bike and pedestrian crossings
Between NE 40th and NE 65th, there exists no safe way to cross I-5 by bicycle. The crossings at NE 45th and 50th St. are sub-optimal at best, and too far apart. A lid over I-5 could create safe, protected bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure at NE 45th, NE 47th and NE 50th Streets, giving people safer access to the University of Washington and our new light rail system.
Where Are We Now?
Lid I-5 North Seattle has grown its coalition and is currently in the process of developing a technical feasibility study. In fall 2023, we hosted a Community Visioning Workshop with over 100 participants to hear community priorities for a potential lid. Also in 2023, we worked with a University of Washington Master’s Studio led by Professor Nancy Rottle to study the site context, global lid case studies, and initial designs for a lid. The Studio’s work can be viewed here.